Thursday, April 26, 2007

Madamoiselle's Random Tales

Rated 18++ with mental problems only.
Whatever've been told here has got something to do with someone somewhere in the world but was retold with full exageration and full of egos and nothing of the good things.Hold on and hang tight, if you feel it might be you, it could be you hahahaha...

Two years ago:
Guy 1: Hey check this out. Look at that Fatsy shmatsy girl, Jablai!
Guy2: Whoah! Common dude, are you gonna take her for one of your playmates??
Guy 1: Nah! Sorry not my type. Not going to take her even if anyone's paying me! Euwh!


Guy 1: Dang! Look at Jablai. Wow! she's getting sexy smakshy. Hmm..let me tackle her and be one of my scandalicious babe.
Guy 2: Too late dude! she's not even looking at you. She's got her boyfren with her.
Guy 1: What? Shux! Oh look at her -= and droolss!!=-

Moral of the story:
1) Don't Lick What you've Spit!

2) Don't judge a book by its cover -= or its name hehehe!=-

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